Sunday, April 3, 2011

I ain't So Bad.

Well I Must Say. These past few years have brought the best and the worst out of me. I have done things I said I would never do, gone places I said I would never go, fell in love with men who were all to familiar. (Haven't we All)

But my mother says its not how hard you cry when you fall, but how hard you laugh when you get back up. Sometimes there are so many thoughts and emotions flying through my head at night I can hardly sleep. I lay down so excited for what my future holds, it burns to imagine all the possibilities. "What if," I say... "I go on to be a Supreme Court Justice, or have my own court show like Judge Joe Brown." :) What if everything goes as planned, & I become the perfect wife, mother and lawyer Ive always wanted to be.
What if I don't live to see tomorrow. What would I do tonight??? what would you do?

See I told you... too much going on.

Ill say this. In a few weeks I'm graduating from college. I could not be happier with what I have accomplished. Sometimes I'm too hard on myself. Your grades aren't good enough, your not pretty enough, your a lousy daughter & girlfriend. But then I stop freaking out and put things into perspective. I have a fast tongue, but its respectful. I can have an attitude but I'm kind, I'm a natural flirt but I am loyal, and I'd skin a goat for my parents if goat skin was what they asked for. All in all, I ain't so bad.

I learn from my life experiences & i take them in stride. I am a hopeless romantic and often times quite silly. At the end of the day, all I can be is me.

I hope you love me too.

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